Thursday, September 25, 2008

# 3 Freshly Cut Grass

The blades of grass smelled like a fresh summer morning.  The sun arose and beat down on the ground with a sensation of warmth.  The aroumas of the flowers overcame my nose with pleasure.  It cleared my head and made everything peaceful.  The sound of the lawnmower buzzed like a bee throughout the yard.  The noise caused birds to seem unsettled and on edge.  Steadily humming, the mower plowed over the blades.  Each piece of green cut into my toes with a jab.  As the mower covered each piece of ground, the grass became soft and delicate.  The sun beat down hard, causing sparkles to appear.  They danced over the grass with a burst of life.  The lawn shimmered like moon reflecting on an open lake.  It felt like fifth grade.  It was then that lemonade only cost a nickel and bike riding didn't require a helmet.  Those memories always come to mind on a day like this.   The brightly colored grass always seemed to please the eye. The smells of summer and spring were irreplaceable and indescribable.

1 comment:

tomorrowiswaiting said...

I thought most of it was great, such as the part where the grass was cut. I like how it was softer after the lawn mower had passed over it. Some parts of it came out of nowhere though like your part out of fifth grade. That line would've been fine with the lemonade and everything except you have the part about the moon on the lake before...there's nothing that relates to that. It was fun to read and you described everything well. Great job!